Our Vision

At Science for Soundness, we help horse owners create happy, relaxed partnerships by understanding their horse’s nervous system and survival responses. Using science-based insights and compassionate methods, we teach you how to interpret your horse’s stress responses and guide them towards calm, trusting behaviour. Whether you want to deepen your bond or address challenging issues, our resources, courses, and community provide the tools you need to transform your relationship with your horse.

A 12-week programme, designed to empower you with tangible knowledge and transform your horse-human connection.


  • you are a horse owner or enthusiast and wish to learn about equine behaviour
  • you are struggling with your horse showing random problems (dissociation, rushing, bucking, rearing, not wanting to be tacked up, stress-related symptoms, aggression, ...) during your training sessions
  • it feels like you're overwhelmed and disconnected from your horse
  •  you want to get to know your horse on a deeper level
  • you wish to consciously start training with your horse (youngster or not)
  • your horse (and you) could use a translator for certain behaviours
  • you wish to infuse every interaction with connection, from the ground up into the saddle and beyond.
  • you are curious about horses and their language
  • you value connection over compliance

Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection is your complete A-Z approach to my Holistic Horsemanship Philosophy, which will help you understand your horse's behaviour on a profound level and create a horse-human connection, filled with lightness, ease and joy.

Whether you and your horse have problems or not, this programme will add depth and meaning to your interactions, whilst always guiding you back to safety and connection.

Course Curriculum

    1. A Message from your Instructor

    2. How to use this Programme

    3. About Steffi

    4. Meet Rubio

    5. Before we begin...

    6. Welcome Call

    1. Leaving Survival Mode - Understanding Connection

    2. The Social Engagement System, Safety & Connection

    3. Neuroception & The Science of Connection

    4. Window of Tolerance

    5. Displacement Behaviour

    6. Emotions/Emotion Regulation from a Psychological Perspective / with Dr. Birthe Macdonald

    7. Safety & Co-Regulation with Rubio

    8. Module 1 Homework

    9. Check-In Call #1

    1. Husbandry / Environment

    2. The Body-Brain Connection: Chronic Stress

    3. Creating a Calm and Safe Environment

    4. The Impact of Stress Within The Herd

    5. Comparison of Husbandry Methods

    6. Chronic Illness and Survival Mode

    7. Paddock Paradise - An Overview

    8. Stabling with Turnout vs. Paddock Paradise

    9. Done is Better Than Perfect: Starting Out

    10. What You Need to Get Started

    11. A Few Things to Consider

    12. Paddock Paradise: Concept

    13. Paddock Paradise: Space

    14. Paddock Paradise: Benefits

    15. Module 2 Homework

    16. Hoof Balance / with Jon Currell DipWCF

    17. Environment: Agency & Resources

    18. Movement Puzzle Solving with Rubio & Ravi

    19. Check-In Call #2

    1. Interaction

    2. Provoking (undesired) Reactions

    3. Comparison of a Simple Interaction: Putting on a Headcollar

    4. General Interaction & Co-Regulation

    5. Module 3 Homework

    6. Check-In Call #3

    1. Language & Sound

    2. Practical Experiment

    3. Rubio Vocalisation

    4. Check-In Call #4

    1. Facial Expressions

    2. Facial Muscles

    3. Facial Expressions and Nervous System States

    4. Facial Expressions in the Horse Human Context

    5. Facial Expressions - Cues of Safety

    6. Check-In Call #5

About this course

  • €997,00
  • 105 lessons
  • 40.5 hours of video content

Why this programme is for you:

Empowering you with knowledge.

  • Diving into this programme, I guarantee you will start witnessing your horse on a new and profound level.

  • Problems start to disappear because you identify the root causes and find solutions that work for your individual horse.

  • You and your horse will connect on a deep level. Everything will start to feel lighter and filled with more ease.

  • Training sessions will become an extension of your connection.


  • What if I don't have the money?

    I get that, believe me! This is why I have created three different pricing options for this programme, to make sure it is accessible! I want to help you help your horse. Think about how much money you’ll spend on trainers, without ever finding the root cause of the problem. Let's change that now.

  • Will this programme work for me?

    Horse behaviour is universal. This knowledge will work for everyone working with horses, no matter the age, discipline or level you’re at, providing that you work with it!

  • I don't have the time right now, so can this still work?

    All of the teachings inside this programme can be implemented in your own timeline, I am just offering mine. The content will stay available to you in the scope of the payment option you chose, so you have at least 365 days to get going. If this isn't enough time, I think we need to have a different conversation?

  • How is an online programme going to help me?

    That’s actually JUST the thing: Online programmes offer you the ability to work with mentors & instructors worldwide, instead of staying within close proximity of your geographical location. Therefore you can choose more varied input and pick what works best for you!

  • I already know horse behaviour, how is this programme relevant to me?

    Amazing, so we’re talking the same language already! That’s going to help you immensely during this programme and we can just fine-tune the nuances. Maybe you can even help out others in the community with it! We'd love to have you!

  • What makes your programme different to any of the others?

    That’s why I’ve included theory and practical sessions, offering you a deep insight into your horse’s emotional, mental and physical states. By identifying these, you can always work with your horse, fostering a deep emotional bond and safe connection at all times.

  • My horse is just showing behavioural problems that need sorting.

    Behavioural problems don’t exist as such, at least not in my world. They always have a cause and I want to take you to the root of that! Take my student Nikki for example - read about her story below!

Instant Uplevel!

Understanding your horse on an individual level ultimately helps to level up your connection with them!

Understanding horse behaviour is the #1 thing to solve 99% of your problems with your horse and establish a connection with them.

Take my student Nikki for example. Her gelding Fuego showed some severe aggression towards humans and she’s done an incredible job helping him settle into his new life with her slowly but surely. 

Nikki reached out to talk through some of the behaviours he was still showing, such as biting humans and food aggression to name a few. We looked at his story, identified some key factors and I have given Nikki a handful of ideas to work on with Fuego to see what he says. Read what happened the next day:

"Steffi, I wanted to thank you so much for our session yesterday I learned so much. Today I approached him in a very different manner and did a lot of the hand on touching. I started to move my hand up his neck and when he softened and put his head down, I started to scratch. He got very comfortable and he started grooming my back with his mouth and then his parts came out so I guess that means he was comfortable thank you so much. I’m so glad I learned a lot."

>> From a horse so intense in his survival state that it was scary to be around him at times, to a super relaxed moment, just by trying a new approach and learning about his survival mechanisms. This is just one tiny aspect of so many that I want you to have as well! <<

Come join us inside Leaving "Survival Mode - Finding Connection" and be part of a Community starting a movement for horses! 

Pricing Options

Option 1: Join this programme through the Inner Circle Membership

  • €360,00

    Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection PLUS Inner Circle

    Get access to Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection, the Inner Circle Community Page where you can connect share and grow with other horse owners, regular Live Calls, Community Check-In Calls. Get access to ALL programmes from the past and created during the next 365 days. (Note: You have ACCESS FOR THE NEXT 365 DAYS ONLY, but could re-join anytime afterwards.)
    Join Now

Option 2: Purchase this programme "Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection" only. Join all live calls related to this programme. Gain LIFETIME ACCESS to all course contents. Choose which payment option works best for you. (Note: this option does NOT include access to the Inner Circle.)

Why should you join now?

Easy, this first round of Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection will be the first and only in which I will teach part of the content live, therefore you will get the chance to join those calls and co-create with me over the span of the next 12 weeks, starting on May 25th 2024. This ensures that Leaving Survival Mode - Finding Connection is not just another programme collecting dust on your digital shelf, but actually gives you accountability and support on your journey.

So, one thing left to do is scroll up above this paragraph and sign up via the preferred option for you! We'd love to have you!! 🤍


MSc Equine Science, ESMT Steffi Spielhaupter

Steffi Spielhaupter is a trailblazer in the equine world, helping horses and their owners leave survival mode and step into thriving, balanced partnerships. As the founder of Science for Soundness, Steffi combines science-backed insights with a compassionate approach to empower horse owners to decode their horse’s signals, address the root causes of tension and stress, and create lasting transformation - from the ground into the saddle and every other aspect. Her work extends beyond the horse-human connection. Steffi helps horses feel safe not just with their humans, but also within their environments and their own bodies. The same goes for humans—she guides horse owners to find safety and alignment within themselves, creating a ripple effect that transforms their relationships with their horses and beyond. Through her work, Steffi’s mission is to foster relationships built on trust, safety, and mutual understanding, allowing horses and humans to connect in harmony. IG: @scienceforsoundness

More Student's Stories:

Alysen & Sophie

The session I had with Steffi was eye-opening! She picked up on so many subtle nuances in my mare’s behaviour that I was missing. I’m grateful for this new awareness! I now feel equipped to notice these signals before they escalate and potentially manifest into other behaviours. The session helped me reshape our training in a way that supports her nervous system for better and quicker regulation. Since practicing the exercises, I’ve noticed a huge shift in her ability to quickly return to a calm state during moments of stress. Steffi is kind and grounded; I felt comfortable, safe, and supported during our session, which also positively impacted my own nervous system in connection with my horse. She is an expert at the forefront of guiding humans into deeper connections with their horses, utilizing science and pioneering techniques focused on nervous system regulation for both humans and horses.

Clare & Cyrus

Building connection and relationships with our horses is a journey, with ups and downs (mainly ups of course), and constantly worrying whether we’re doing it right. Well, that’s the case for me! Steffi really helped me be more confident with what I was doing. Her empathetic, knowledgeable, horse first approach really called out to me. After chatting things through I felt more confident to do what I felt was right. And low and behold, progress. Thanks Steffi!

Jasmin & Luxi

Luxi was trained by Steffi for 8 weeks. Her loving and respectful treatment was great and very important to me. She responded completely to him and was able to teach him how to be ridden - all at his own pace. She taught me to listen to Luxi and how to work with him. I thought it was so great that I was allowed to be there at any time and could work with her or just even watch her train him. He has become much more confident in training now and loves to work with me.

Svea & Cosi

"I grew up with horses, but the way I looked at them started to change when I met Steffi. I learned how to perceive them holistically – which to me means being able to see their emotional and physical needs clearly, whilst also questioning myself in this context. It helped me to observe Steffi and the way she is showing up for and with her horses and the way she treats them. Her clarity with her own horses was something I was able to take and use for myself. I didn't know I was able to tune into my emotions whilst also interacting with horses. That never used to be an option before, but it changed everything. Steffi always looks at each individual horse in a holistic way, where ego plays no role. She is great at finding out who the horse is, what they need, where they are at in their own unique system and what else is part of that. She has this meta view on the horse and then she looks at the human and asks those same questions in order to bring them together on a much deeper level."

Yuna & Dionys

Als Pferd-MenschEN-Team haben wir gemeinsam an Steffi Spielhaupters 1:1 Coaching teilgenommen. So konnten wir durch ihren mehrdimensionalen Blick auf unser Anliegen sowohl praktische Tipps mitnehmen, als auch eine neue Perspektive auf Situationen gewinnen und zusammen mit Steffi möglichen Kausalketten auf den Zahn fühlen. Dabei war Steffi immer wertungsfrei und hat sich viel Zeit genommen um unsere Fragen zu beantworten!

Susi & Bär

Bärchens erstes Zoom Meeting! 🤩 Das stand gestern an. 😃 Und zwar waren wir mit der wunderbaren @scienceforsoundness verabredet. Seit dem Anreiten im Verkaufsstall vor vielen Jahren hat der Bär leider immer noch eine Herausforderung mit dem Satteln. Natürlich kann ich ihn partnerschaftlich satteln und er bleibt dabei auch stehen. Nichtsdestoweniger entgeht mir seine Mimik, seine Meinung und sein Verhalten dabei nicht. Deswegen war es mir super wichtig, hier nochmal Input von der wissenschaftlichen Seite zu bekommen. Ich habe Steffi Spielhaupter auf dem @barn.net.community Kongress auf der Spoga in Köln kennengelernt. Während Steffis Vortrag hatte ich alle Mühe, meine Rührung in den Griff zu bekommen und nicht hemmungslos loszuheulen. Ihre Worte trafen mich genau ins Herz. Sie trifft mit ihrer Überzeugung genau das, was ich so oft fühle und denke. Und das Beste: sie kann es mit fundierten Erkenntnissen untermauern. So war ich überzeugt, dass sie den Bär kennenlernen muss und genau das haben wir gestern gemacht. Der Bär hat mich nicht im Stich gelassen, sondern war einfach er selbst und es gab keine Vorführeffekte. 😁 Steffi hat sich alles genau angeschaut und wir haben lange gefachsimpelt. Das hat mir wahnsinnig viel Spaß gemacht und gut geholfen. Im Endeffekt sind wir uns einig: die Beziehung zwischen dem Herrn Tinkerpony und mir ist gut. Er hat schwierige Vorerfahrungen und es ist spannend zu erfahren, wie das im Pferd verankert ist. Darauf ruhen wir uns selbstverständlich nicht, aber alles darf seinen Raum haben. Steffi hat mir noch ein paar wertvolle Tipps mitgegeben und mich vor allem auch bestärkt. Ich danke dir für deine Expertise und freue mich auf weitere Zusammenarbeit mit dir! 🥰🙌🏼


This workshop was excellent! I absolutely loved every second of it. Steffi is so knowledgeable and shared that knowledge in a way that is easy to understand and follow. I am always looking for more workshops/webinars/courses to take and this is one of the best ones I have ever done. 10/10 would recommend it for anyone, even if you're not a horse enthusiast. Absolutely AMAZING experience!

Svenja & Ginny

Das Dressurtraining mit meiner Stute Ginny fühlte sich festgefahren an. Ich dachte schon daran, es ganz aufzugeben. Durch ihre wertschätzende Art und einfühlsamen Fragen hat Steffi mir geholfen Lösungsideen zu entwickeln, die meine und Ginnys Bedürfnisse im Training berücksichtigen!