Why Rauhnächte?

This Journal is designed to guide you through Rauhnächte/Twelve Nights, entirely at your own pace.

Print it off or simply copy all questions and use your own journal, the focus is on you and your horse human connection. 

Celebrating Reflection, Connection and New Beginnings.

Rauhnächte, translates as "Twelve Nights" or "Wild Nights" are a beautiful and ancient tradition that embraces the magic and mystery of the transition between the old year and the new.

Rooted in various European cultures, particularly Germanic traditions, these nights typically span from December 25th to January 6th. 

Rather than focusing on fear or superstition, let's explore the uplifting, peaceful and mindful aspects of this enchanting tradition.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Twelve Nights

    2. Your Workbook

    1. Before you go...

About this course

  • €7,00
  • 3 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Pricing Options

Choose a one time payment for the journal only or join the Inner Circle Membership which includes this journal and ALL other programmes.

Inner Circle Membership

Meet Your Guide

MSc Equine Science, ESMT Steffi Spielhaupter

Steffi Spielhaupter is a trailblazer in the equine world, helping horses and their owners leave survival mode and step into thriving, balanced partnerships. As the founder of Science for Soundness, Steffi combines science-backed insights with a compassionate approach to empower horse owners to decode their horse’s signals, address the root causes of tension and stress, and create lasting transformation - from the ground into the saddle and every other aspect. Her work extends beyond the horse-human connection. Steffi helps horses feel safe not just with their humans, but also within their environments and their own bodies. The same goes for humans—she guides horse owners to find safety and alignment within themselves, creating a ripple effect that transforms their relationships with their horses and beyond. Through her work, Steffi’s mission is to foster relationships built on trust, safety, and mutual understanding, allowing horses and humans to connect in harmony. IG: @scienceforsoundness